VILLAGE is a joint research and innovation (R&I) projec
It aims to generate a sustainable learning model for laboratory engineering education considering the new normal and the needs of the instructors with the exchange of staff within partnerships of universities, research infrastructures and SMEs in Europe and beyond, which aims to strengthen inter-sectoral and international collaboration.

Work Package 1
D1.1: Global State of the art report
D1.2: Open access database of instructional design models
D1.3: Score ranking of instructional design database
D1.4: Report on deficiencies in instructional design models
Work Package 2
D2.1: Requirements and needs analysis methodology
D2.2: Needs analysis report of instructors
D2.3: Needs analysis report of students
Work Package 3
D3.1: VILLAGE Model Methodology Report
D3.2: VILLAGE Learning Model
D3.3: VILLAGE- VLab pilot learning environment and materials
D3.4: Recommendations Report
Work Package 4
D4.1: Secondment plans
D4.2: Workshop and training evaluation report
D4.3: Individual development plans
D4.4: Reintegration reports
D4.5: Career development report
D5.1: Quality Management Plan
D5.2: Project Progress Report
D5.3: Data Management Plan
D5.4: Mid-term Meetin
D6.1 Plan for The Dissemination and Exploitation of Results, Including Communication Activities
D6.2: Project Website
D6.3: Dissemination materials & tools
D6.4: Dissemination materials & tools 2
Project: 101086464 — VILLAGE — HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.